The «Citizen’s Advocate» asks Mayor Peletidis to respond to the request of director Yannis Karampitsos for the creation of the Municipal Film Workshop of Patras


Athens, 15/04/2024 No. 349252/18862/2024

Specialist Scientist: Konstantinos I. Daramaras Telephone: 213 1306 765

Con Peletidis Costas Mayor of Patras


2. Con Angelis Apostolis

Deputy Mayor of Culture and Planning Email:

SUBJECT. Response to a submitted proposal from No. 108453/19-10-2023″

Mr. Mayor. Mr. Deputy Mayor.

CITIZEN’S ADVOCATE, within the framework of his competences, is investigating the petition of Mr. Karampitsos Ioannis Karabitsos, under the protocol number 349252/10912/2024.

The petitioner complains about your failure to respond to his letter with the above protocol number, in which he made a proposal for the creation of a Municipal Cinema Workshop in Patras and addressed it both to the Mayor of Patras and to the then President of the Cultural Organisation of Patras, Mrs Geropanayoti.

In the context of the mediation role exercised by the mission of the CITIZEN’S ADVOCATE, we would like to remind you of the provisions of the «Code of Administrative Procedure» (Law 2690/1999, as in force) regarding the actions of public services and authorities when addressed in writing to them by any interested party.
In the case in question, it should be noted that the maximum period of «reasonable time» of three (3) months from the submission of the «request» in question has already elapsed, a period which is applicable, as follows from the combined meaning of the relevant provisions of Law 2690/1999.

The provision on reasonable time was included in the above law* 2 in order to underline the obligation of the competent bodies to «act promptly in accordance with the provisions in force» and to «reply with reasons» within a certain period of time, an obligation which is expressly enshrined in the Constitution (Article 10(1) and (3)), but which also derives from the fundamental principle of good administration, which has been consistently recognised by case-law. Indeed, the revised (2001) constitutional provision is a directly applicable provision, which directly develops its normative content.
In view of the above, we request your action so that Mr. Karabitsos’ request may receive the due consideration under the conditions set by the Law, on the one hand, and the required reasoned decision, on the other hand, and that our Authority may be informed at the same time. We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible, we are at your disposal for any further information or clarification.

Yours sincerely,
Evanthia Savvidis

in particular Article 4 par. 1- ν. 2690/1999
See Article 2 of the explanatory report of Act No. 2690/1999
17 Chalkokondyli, 104 32 Athens, TIF HELEXPO SA, 154 Egnatia, 546 36 Thessaloniki P/F Center: 213 1306 600


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